LED module uses Surface-mount technology (SMT) to mount LED chips on printed circuit boards (PCB). It is a self-contained Surface-Mount LED device designed either to function on its own or to plug into a compatible unit.
LEDPARTSMALL.COM LED display modules offer high contrast, a wide viewing angle, and long distance readability. It emits a brilliant neon orange or bright red color which catches the attention of the viewer, but is yet comfortable to the eye.
You can buy our outdoor LED displays(P16, P10, P8, P6.67, P6, P5, P4.81, P4, P3.91, P3.33, P3), indoor LED screens(P10, P7.62, P6, P5, 4.81,P4, P3.91, P3, P2.91, P2.5, P2, P1.923, P1.875, P1.667, P1.56, P1.25) and all the LED display modules which produces online conveniently.